Footnote 11. Crossed Bison Cave painting. Upper Paleolithic period. Nave, Lascaux Cave. Lascaux, France. c. 17,000 - 15,000 B.C. Replica: Lascaux II. Lascaux, France.
Image: Don Hitchcock 2008.
Footnote 19. La Madelaine reclining woman Cave relief. Upper Paleolithic period. La Madeleine des Ablis Cave. Dordogne, France. Modern drawing.
Image: André leroi-Gourhan L'art pariétal Langage de la préhistoire.
Footnote 27. Venus of Hluboké Mašůvky Figurine. Clay. c. 4000 B.C. Moravia, Czech Republic. Moravské zemské muzeum, Brno, Czech Republic.
Image: Unknown collection.
Fig. 2-1. Cave of El Castillo interior Cave painting. Upper Paleolithic. Puente Viesgo, Spain. In situ.
Image: Gabinete de Prensa del Gobierno de Cantabria. {CC BY 3.0 ES}
Fig. 2-2. Map of the Neanderthals' range
Image: Ryulong. {CC BY-SA 3.0}
Fig. 2-3. Map of the Cro-Magnons' range up to c. 30,000 B.C.
Image: Saukkomies. {CC PD-user}
Fig. 2-4. Map of Upper Paleolithic archaeological sites
Image: Sugaar. {CC PD-self}
Fig. 2-5. Prehistory Timeline with Scandinavia as sample region
Image: Wikipedia. {CC BY-SA 3.0}
Fig. 2-6. Venus of Tan-Tan Modern replica of Tan-Tan pebble from Morocco. Quartzite. c. 500,000 - 300,000 B.C. Identification disputed. Museum of Human Evolution. Burgos, Spain.
Image: Dbachmann. {CC BY-SA 4.0}
Fig. 2-7. Ivory carving of horse From Vogelherd Cave, Germany. Ivory. c. 31,000 B.C. Museum of the University of Tübingen, Germany.
Image: Wuselig. {CC BY-SA 4.0}
Fig. 2-8. Drawings of lionesses Detail of modern replica of Gallery of Lions, Chauvet Cave painting. c. 32,000 - 30,000 B.C. Replica: Anthropos Pavilion. Brno, Czech Republic.
Image: HTO. {CC PD-self} {PD-US}
Fig. 2-9. Reindeer engraving Engraved schist plate fragment. From La Garenne à Saint-Marcel Cave, Indre, France. Upper Paleolithic period. Musée d’archéologie nationale de Saint-Germain-en-Laye. France.
Image: Siren-Com. {CC BY-SA 3.0)
Fig. 2-10. The Lamp of Lascaux From Lascaux Cave, France. Red sandstone. c. 17,000 - 15,000 B.C. National Prehistory Museum. Les Eyzies-de-Tayac, France.
Image: Sémhur. {CC BY-SA 4.0}
Fig. 2-11. Bull and Cow Bison Modern replica of modeled clay from Tuc d'Audoubert Cave, France. c. 13,000 B.C. Replica: Musee d'Archeologie Nationale. Saint-Germain-en-Laye, France.
Image: Chatsam. {CC BY-SA 3.0)
Fig. 2-12. Speared Horse Modern replica of Lascaux Cave painting, Lascaux, France. c. 17,000 - 15,000 B.C. Replica: Lascaux II. Lascaux, France.
Image: Sevela.p. {CC PD-old-100} {PD-US}
Fig. 2-13. Axial Gallery interior Lascaux Cave, France. c. 17,000 - 15,000 B.C. In situ.
Image: Francesco Bandarin. {CC BY-SA 3.0 IGO}
Fig. 2-14. Curled up Bison Altamira Cave painting. Altamira, Spain. c. 34,000 - 15,000 B.C. In situ. Image reversed.
Image: Daniel Villafruela. {CC BY 3.0}
Fig. 2-15. Bison with entrails Modern replica of Lascaux Cave painting. Lascaux, France. c. 17,000 - 15,000 B.C. In situ. Replica: Lascaux II. Lascaux, France.
Image: Peter80 / Sailko. {CC BY-SA 3.0}
Fig. 2-16. Neanderthal tools Neanderthal Museum. Mettmann, Germany.
Image: Einsamer Schütze. {CC BY-SA 4.0}
Fig. 2-17. Cro-Magnon tools Solutrean. c. 22,000 - 17,000 B.C. Musee d'Archeologie Nationale. Saint-Germain-en-Laye, France.
Image: World Imaging. {CC BY-SA 3.0}
Fig. 2-18. Horses Detail of modern replica of Horses, Chauvet Cave painting. c. 32,000 - 30,000 B.C. Replica: Caverne du Pont d'Arc, France.
Image: Claude Valette. {CC BY-SA 4.0}
Fig. 2-19. Five Stags Modern replica of Lascaux Cave painting. Lascaux, France. c. 17,000 - 13,000 B.C. Replica: Musée d'Aquitaine à Bordeaux, France.
Image: Pline. {CC BY-SA 3.0}
Fig. 2-20. Stags and Fishes Modern drawing of engraved Magdalenian antler. From Lorthet, France. c. 17,000 - 12,000 B.C. The Musée d'Archéologie nationale, Château de Saint-Germain-en-Laye, France. Drawing: Unknown collection.
Image: Welcome Images. Ashley Van Haeften. {CC BY-SA 4.0}
Fig. 2-21. Aurochs Modern replica of Lascaux Cave painting. Lascaux, France. c. 17,000 - 15,000 B.C. Replica: Lascaux II. Lascaux, France.
Image: Coen.vromans. {CC PD-Art} {PD-user} {PD-US}
Fig. 2-22. The Aurochs from Vig Skeleton from the Mesolithic period, Europe. c. 8600 B.C. National Museum of Denmark. Copenhagen, Denmark.
Image: Richard Mortel. {CC BY 2.0}
Fig. 2-23. Woolly rhinoceros Modern replica of Chauvet Cave painting. Chauvet, France. c. 32,000 - 30,000 B.C. Replica: Caverne du Pont d'Arc, France.
Image: Inocybe. {CC PD-Art / PD-old default} {PD-user} {PD-US}
Fig. 2-24. Woolly rhinoceros skeleton From Siberia, Russio. Pleistocene period. Before 8000 B.C. Museum of Toulouse, France.
Image: Archaeodontosaurus. Didier Descouens. {CC BY-SA 4.0}
Fig. 2-25. Running horses Modern replica of Lascaux Cave painting. Lascaux, France. c. 17,000 - 15,000 B.C. Replica: Lascaux II. Lascaux, France.
Image: Maañón. Jack Versloot. {CC BY 2.0}
Fig. 2-26. Bison licking insect bite Reindeer antler from the Magdalene Shelter. c. 20,000 - 12,000 B.C. National Museum of Prehistory. Les Eyzies-de-Tayac-Sireuil. France.
Image: Jochen Jahnke. {CC BY-SA 3.0}
Fig. 2-27. Mammoth From Vogelherd Cave, Germany. Ivory. c. 33,000 B.C. Museum Schloss Hohentübingen, Universität Tübingen, Germany.
Image: Thilo Parg {CC BY-SA 3.0}
Fig. 2-28. Venus of Willendorf From Willendorf, Austria. Limestone. c. 28,000 - 25,000 B.C. Museum of Natural History. Vienna, Austria.
Image: MatthiasKabel. {CC BY-SA 3.0}
Fig. 2-29. Venus of Hohle Fels Modern replica of figurine from Hohle Fels Cave, Germany. Ivory. c. 40,000 - 35,000 B.C. Museum of Prehistory. Blaubeuren, Germany.
Image: Ramessos. {CC BY-SA 3.0}
Fig. 2-30. Venus 3 of Kostenki From Kostenki site, Don River, Russia. Ivory. Gravettien. c. 25,000 B.C. The Hermitage Museum. St. Petersburg, Russia.
Image: Bullenwächter. Photo by Andreas Franzkowiak. {CC BY-SA 3.0}
Fig. 2-31. Venus of Brassempouy Fragment of figurine from the "Pope's Cave," Brassempouy, France. Ivory. c. 27,000 - 25,000 B.C. Musée d'Archéologie Nationale. Saint-Germain-en-Laye, France.
Image: BastienM. {CC BY-SA 3.0}
Fig. 2-32. Venus from Dolní Věstonice From Moravia. Baked clay. c. 29,000 - 25,000 B.C. Moravské zemské muzeum, Brno, Czech Republic.
Image: che. Petr Novák, Wikipedia. {CC BY-SA 2.5}
Fig. 2-33. Venus of Lespugue Restored replica of original figurine from Lespugue, France. Ivory. c. 26,000 - 24,000 B.C. Musée de l'Homme. Paris, France.
Image: Locutus Borg. José-Manuel Benito. {CC PD-user}
Fig. 2-34. Venus of Landek Modern replica of original figurine from Ostrava Petřkovice, Czech Republic. Hematite. c. 25,000 - 23,000 B.C. Academy of Sciences, Archaeological Institute. Brno, Czech Republic.
Image: Kozuch, crop by Ragimiri. {CC BY-SA 3.0}
Fig. 2-35. Addaura rock engraving Modern replica of engraving from Addaura Cave, Sicily. c. 10,000 - 8000 B.C. Replica: Museo Regionale Archeologico. Palermo, Sicily,
Image: Bjs. Bernhard J. Scheuvens. {CC0 1.0}
Fig. 2-36. Four hunters and deer Modern drawing of rock painting from "Cave of the horses" in the Valltorta Gorge, Valencia, Spain. Mesolithic period. Drawing: Unknown collection.
Image: Locutus Borg. {CC PD-old} {PD-US}
Fig. 2-37. Congo nail fetish Kongo people, Congo region, Africa. Nails, wood. c. 1880 - 1920 A.D. Carnegie Museum of Art. Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania.
Image: Daderot. {CC PD-self} {PD-US}
Fig. 2-38. Sagana Mask Dogon culture. Mali, Africa. Wood. Late 19th - early 20th century A.D. Brooklyn Museum, New York.
Image: The Brooklyn Museum. {CC BY 3.0}
Fig. 2-39. Megaloceros Modern replica of Lascaux Cave painting, Lascaux, France. c. 15,000 B.C. In situ. Replica: Lascaux II. Lascaux, France.
Image: HTO. {CC PD-self} {PD-US}
Fig. 2-40. Chi wara antelope headdress Bambara tribe. Mali, Africa. Wood. Late 19th - early 20th century A.D. Brooklyn Museum. Brooklyn, New York.
Image: The Brooklyn Museum. {CC BY 3.0}
Fig. 2-41. Venus Impudique 1907 drawing of original figurine from Laugerie-Basse, France. Ivory. c. 16, 000 - 14,000 B.C. Original: Musée de l'Homme. Paris, France. Drawing: Unknown collection.
Image: Primaler. {CC PD-old-70} {PD-US}
Fig. 2-42. Maori house post Maori people, New Zealand. Wood. c. 1800 A.D. Metropolitan Museum of Art. New York, New York.
Image: The Metropolitan Museum of Art. {CC0 1.0}
Fig. 2-43. Map of Ice Age Europe Showing ice cap and shorelines.
Image: Kentynet. {CC BY 3.0}
Fig. 2-44. Map of prehistoric human migrations
Image: Maulucioni. {CC BY-SA 3.0}
Fig. 2-45. Map of spread of Neolithic culture, Europe
Image: Eva Fernández , Alejandro Pérez-Pérez, Cristina Gamba, Eva Prats, Pedro Cuesta, Josep Anfruns, Miquel Molist, Eduardo Arroyo-Pardo, Daniel Turbón. {CC BY-SA 4.0}
Fig. 2-46. Neolithic tools Archaeological Museum of Thessaloniki. Thessaloniki, Greece.
Image: Michael Greenhalgh. {CC BY-SA 2.5}
Fig. 2-47. Herdsmen Rock painting from Manda Guéli Cave, Ennedi Plateau, Chad, Africa. Red ocher with white. Camel Period after c. 200 B.C. In situ.
Image: David Stanley. {CC BY 2.0}
Fig. 2-48. Herdsmen and hunters Rock painting, Red ocher with white. c. 8000 - 4000 B.C. Tassili n'Ajjer, Algeria. In situ.
Image: Patrick Gruban. {CC BY-SA 2.0}
Fig. 2-49. Equestrian warriors Rock painting from Terkei Cave, Ennedi Plateau, Chad, Africa. Red ocher. Horse Period after c. 1600 B.C. In situ.
Image: David Stanley. {CC BY 2.0}
Fig. 2-50. Plastered skull from Beisamoun Skull, plaster. Neolithic B Period c. 9000 - 6000 B.C. Moshe Stekelis Museum of Prehistory. Haifa, Israel.
Image: Hanay. {CC BY 3.0}
Fig. 2-51. Fertility goddess Figurine from Tappeh Sarāb, Kermānshāh, Iran. Modeled clay. c. 7000 - 6100 B.C. National Museum of Iran. Tehran, Iran.
Image: National Museum of Iran. {CC BY-SA 4.0}
Fig. 2-52. Marble female figure Cycladic culture. Marble. Late Neolithic c. 4500 - 4000 B.C. Metropolitan Museum of Art. New York, New York.
Image: The Metropolitan Museum of Art. {CC0 1.0}
Fig. 2-53. Thinker of Cernavodă Figurine from Cernavodă, Romania. Baked clay. Hamangia culture. c. 5000 - 4600 B.C. National Historical Museum of Bucharest. Bucharest. Romania.
Image: 三猎. {CC BY-SA 4.0}
Fig. 2-54. Seated Woman of Cernavodă Figurine from Cernavodă, Romania. Baked clay. Hamangia culture. c. 5000 - 4600 B.C. National Historical Museum of Bucharest. Bucharest. Romania.
Image: 三猎. {CC BY-SA 4.0}
Fig. 2-55. Fertility Goddess From Ҫatalhöyük. Baked clay (restored). c. 6000 - 5500 B.C. Museum of Anatolian Civilizations. Ankara, Turkey.
Image: Nevit. Nevit Dilmen. {CC BY-SA 3.0}
Fig. 2-56. Ҫatalhöyük mural Copy of reconstructed mural from Shrine VII. 14, Ҫatalhöyük, Turkey. c. 6600 B.C. Museum of Anatolian Civilizations. Ankara, Turkey. Drawing: John Swogger. Collection unknown.
Image: Kiss Tamás (Kit36a at Hungarian Wikipedia). {CC BY-SA 3.0}
Art in Africa
African Rock Art
The Bradshaw Foundation
Cave Art 101, National Geographic
The Dawn of History Episode 1 of The Western Tradition with Eugen Weber (1989)
Don's Maps
Lascaux: A Visit to the Cave
Image: Don Hitchcock 2008.
Footnote 19. La Madelaine reclining woman Cave relief. Upper Paleolithic period. La Madeleine des Ablis Cave. Dordogne, France. Modern drawing.
Image: André leroi-Gourhan L'art pariétal Langage de la préhistoire.
Footnote 27. Venus of Hluboké Mašůvky Figurine. Clay. c. 4000 B.C. Moravia, Czech Republic. Moravské zemské muzeum, Brno, Czech Republic.
Image: Unknown collection.
Fig. 2-1. Cave of El Castillo interior Cave painting. Upper Paleolithic. Puente Viesgo, Spain. In situ.
Image: Gabinete de Prensa del Gobierno de Cantabria. {CC BY 3.0 ES}
Fig. 2-2. Map of the Neanderthals' range
Image: Ryulong. {CC BY-SA 3.0}
Fig. 2-3. Map of the Cro-Magnons' range up to c. 30,000 B.C.
Image: Saukkomies. {CC PD-user}
Fig. 2-4. Map of Upper Paleolithic archaeological sites
Image: Sugaar. {CC PD-self}
Fig. 2-5. Prehistory Timeline with Scandinavia as sample region
Image: Wikipedia. {CC BY-SA 3.0}
Fig. 2-6. Venus of Tan-Tan Modern replica of Tan-Tan pebble from Morocco. Quartzite. c. 500,000 - 300,000 B.C. Identification disputed. Museum of Human Evolution. Burgos, Spain.
Image: Dbachmann. {CC BY-SA 4.0}
Fig. 2-7. Ivory carving of horse From Vogelherd Cave, Germany. Ivory. c. 31,000 B.C. Museum of the University of Tübingen, Germany.
Image: Wuselig. {CC BY-SA 4.0}
Fig. 2-8. Drawings of lionesses Detail of modern replica of Gallery of Lions, Chauvet Cave painting. c. 32,000 - 30,000 B.C. Replica: Anthropos Pavilion. Brno, Czech Republic.
Image: HTO. {CC PD-self} {PD-US}
Fig. 2-9. Reindeer engraving Engraved schist plate fragment. From La Garenne à Saint-Marcel Cave, Indre, France. Upper Paleolithic period. Musée d’archéologie nationale de Saint-Germain-en-Laye. France.
Image: Siren-Com. {CC BY-SA 3.0)
Fig. 2-10. The Lamp of Lascaux From Lascaux Cave, France. Red sandstone. c. 17,000 - 15,000 B.C. National Prehistory Museum. Les Eyzies-de-Tayac, France.
Image: Sémhur. {CC BY-SA 4.0}
Fig. 2-11. Bull and Cow Bison Modern replica of modeled clay from Tuc d'Audoubert Cave, France. c. 13,000 B.C. Replica: Musee d'Archeologie Nationale. Saint-Germain-en-Laye, France.
Image: Chatsam. {CC BY-SA 3.0)
Fig. 2-12. Speared Horse Modern replica of Lascaux Cave painting, Lascaux, France. c. 17,000 - 15,000 B.C. Replica: Lascaux II. Lascaux, France.
Image: Sevela.p. {CC PD-old-100} {PD-US}
Fig. 2-13. Axial Gallery interior Lascaux Cave, France. c. 17,000 - 15,000 B.C. In situ.
Image: Francesco Bandarin. {CC BY-SA 3.0 IGO}
Fig. 2-14. Curled up Bison Altamira Cave painting. Altamira, Spain. c. 34,000 - 15,000 B.C. In situ. Image reversed.
Image: Daniel Villafruela. {CC BY 3.0}
Fig. 2-15. Bison with entrails Modern replica of Lascaux Cave painting. Lascaux, France. c. 17,000 - 15,000 B.C. In situ. Replica: Lascaux II. Lascaux, France.
Image: Peter80 / Sailko. {CC BY-SA 3.0}
Fig. 2-16. Neanderthal tools Neanderthal Museum. Mettmann, Germany.
Image: Einsamer Schütze. {CC BY-SA 4.0}
Fig. 2-17. Cro-Magnon tools Solutrean. c. 22,000 - 17,000 B.C. Musee d'Archeologie Nationale. Saint-Germain-en-Laye, France.
Image: World Imaging. {CC BY-SA 3.0}
Fig. 2-18. Horses Detail of modern replica of Horses, Chauvet Cave painting. c. 32,000 - 30,000 B.C. Replica: Caverne du Pont d'Arc, France.
Image: Claude Valette. {CC BY-SA 4.0}
Fig. 2-19. Five Stags Modern replica of Lascaux Cave painting. Lascaux, France. c. 17,000 - 13,000 B.C. Replica: Musée d'Aquitaine à Bordeaux, France.
Image: Pline. {CC BY-SA 3.0}
Fig. 2-20. Stags and Fishes Modern drawing of engraved Magdalenian antler. From Lorthet, France. c. 17,000 - 12,000 B.C. The Musée d'Archéologie nationale, Château de Saint-Germain-en-Laye, France. Drawing: Unknown collection.
Image: Welcome Images. Ashley Van Haeften. {CC BY-SA 4.0}
Fig. 2-21. Aurochs Modern replica of Lascaux Cave painting. Lascaux, France. c. 17,000 - 15,000 B.C. Replica: Lascaux II. Lascaux, France.
Image: Coen.vromans. {CC PD-Art} {PD-user} {PD-US}
Fig. 2-22. The Aurochs from Vig Skeleton from the Mesolithic period, Europe. c. 8600 B.C. National Museum of Denmark. Copenhagen, Denmark.
Image: Richard Mortel. {CC BY 2.0}
Fig. 2-23. Woolly rhinoceros Modern replica of Chauvet Cave painting. Chauvet, France. c. 32,000 - 30,000 B.C. Replica: Caverne du Pont d'Arc, France.
Image: Inocybe. {CC PD-Art / PD-old default} {PD-user} {PD-US}
Fig. 2-24. Woolly rhinoceros skeleton From Siberia, Russio. Pleistocene period. Before 8000 B.C. Museum of Toulouse, France.
Image: Archaeodontosaurus. Didier Descouens. {CC BY-SA 4.0}
Fig. 2-25. Running horses Modern replica of Lascaux Cave painting. Lascaux, France. c. 17,000 - 15,000 B.C. Replica: Lascaux II. Lascaux, France.
Image: Maañón. Jack Versloot. {CC BY 2.0}
Fig. 2-26. Bison licking insect bite Reindeer antler from the Magdalene Shelter. c. 20,000 - 12,000 B.C. National Museum of Prehistory. Les Eyzies-de-Tayac-Sireuil. France.
Image: Jochen Jahnke. {CC BY-SA 3.0}
Fig. 2-27. Mammoth From Vogelherd Cave, Germany. Ivory. c. 33,000 B.C. Museum Schloss Hohentübingen, Universität Tübingen, Germany.
Image: Thilo Parg {CC BY-SA 3.0}
Fig. 2-28. Venus of Willendorf From Willendorf, Austria. Limestone. c. 28,000 - 25,000 B.C. Museum of Natural History. Vienna, Austria.
Image: MatthiasKabel. {CC BY-SA 3.0}
Fig. 2-29. Venus of Hohle Fels Modern replica of figurine from Hohle Fels Cave, Germany. Ivory. c. 40,000 - 35,000 B.C. Museum of Prehistory. Blaubeuren, Germany.
Image: Ramessos. {CC BY-SA 3.0}
Fig. 2-30. Venus 3 of Kostenki From Kostenki site, Don River, Russia. Ivory. Gravettien. c. 25,000 B.C. The Hermitage Museum. St. Petersburg, Russia.
Image: Bullenwächter. Photo by Andreas Franzkowiak. {CC BY-SA 3.0}
Fig. 2-31. Venus of Brassempouy Fragment of figurine from the "Pope's Cave," Brassempouy, France. Ivory. c. 27,000 - 25,000 B.C. Musée d'Archéologie Nationale. Saint-Germain-en-Laye, France.
Image: BastienM. {CC BY-SA 3.0}
Fig. 2-32. Venus from Dolní Věstonice From Moravia. Baked clay. c. 29,000 - 25,000 B.C. Moravské zemské muzeum, Brno, Czech Republic.
Image: che. Petr Novák, Wikipedia. {CC BY-SA 2.5}
Fig. 2-33. Venus of Lespugue Restored replica of original figurine from Lespugue, France. Ivory. c. 26,000 - 24,000 B.C. Musée de l'Homme. Paris, France.
Image: Locutus Borg. José-Manuel Benito. {CC PD-user}
Fig. 2-34. Venus of Landek Modern replica of original figurine from Ostrava Petřkovice, Czech Republic. Hematite. c. 25,000 - 23,000 B.C. Academy of Sciences, Archaeological Institute. Brno, Czech Republic.
Image: Kozuch, crop by Ragimiri. {CC BY-SA 3.0}
Fig. 2-35. Addaura rock engraving Modern replica of engraving from Addaura Cave, Sicily. c. 10,000 - 8000 B.C. Replica: Museo Regionale Archeologico. Palermo, Sicily,
Image: Bjs. Bernhard J. Scheuvens. {CC0 1.0}
Fig. 2-36. Four hunters and deer Modern drawing of rock painting from "Cave of the horses" in the Valltorta Gorge, Valencia, Spain. Mesolithic period. Drawing: Unknown collection.
Image: Locutus Borg. {CC PD-old} {PD-US}
Fig. 2-37. Congo nail fetish Kongo people, Congo region, Africa. Nails, wood. c. 1880 - 1920 A.D. Carnegie Museum of Art. Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania.
Image: Daderot. {CC PD-self} {PD-US}
Fig. 2-38. Sagana Mask Dogon culture. Mali, Africa. Wood. Late 19th - early 20th century A.D. Brooklyn Museum, New York.
Image: The Brooklyn Museum. {CC BY 3.0}
Fig. 2-39. Megaloceros Modern replica of Lascaux Cave painting, Lascaux, France. c. 15,000 B.C. In situ. Replica: Lascaux II. Lascaux, France.
Image: HTO. {CC PD-self} {PD-US}
Fig. 2-40. Chi wara antelope headdress Bambara tribe. Mali, Africa. Wood. Late 19th - early 20th century A.D. Brooklyn Museum. Brooklyn, New York.
Image: The Brooklyn Museum. {CC BY 3.0}
Fig. 2-41. Venus Impudique 1907 drawing of original figurine from Laugerie-Basse, France. Ivory. c. 16, 000 - 14,000 B.C. Original: Musée de l'Homme. Paris, France. Drawing: Unknown collection.
Image: Primaler. {CC PD-old-70} {PD-US}
Fig. 2-42. Maori house post Maori people, New Zealand. Wood. c. 1800 A.D. Metropolitan Museum of Art. New York, New York.
Image: The Metropolitan Museum of Art. {CC0 1.0}
Fig. 2-43. Map of Ice Age Europe Showing ice cap and shorelines.
Image: Kentynet. {CC BY 3.0}
Fig. 2-44. Map of prehistoric human migrations
Image: Maulucioni. {CC BY-SA 3.0}
Fig. 2-45. Map of spread of Neolithic culture, Europe
Image: Eva Fernández , Alejandro Pérez-Pérez, Cristina Gamba, Eva Prats, Pedro Cuesta, Josep Anfruns, Miquel Molist, Eduardo Arroyo-Pardo, Daniel Turbón. {CC BY-SA 4.0}
Fig. 2-46. Neolithic tools Archaeological Museum of Thessaloniki. Thessaloniki, Greece.
Image: Michael Greenhalgh. {CC BY-SA 2.5}
Fig. 2-47. Herdsmen Rock painting from Manda Guéli Cave, Ennedi Plateau, Chad, Africa. Red ocher with white. Camel Period after c. 200 B.C. In situ.
Image: David Stanley. {CC BY 2.0}
Fig. 2-48. Herdsmen and hunters Rock painting, Red ocher with white. c. 8000 - 4000 B.C. Tassili n'Ajjer, Algeria. In situ.
Image: Patrick Gruban. {CC BY-SA 2.0}
Fig. 2-49. Equestrian warriors Rock painting from Terkei Cave, Ennedi Plateau, Chad, Africa. Red ocher. Horse Period after c. 1600 B.C. In situ.
Image: David Stanley. {CC BY 2.0}
Fig. 2-50. Plastered skull from Beisamoun Skull, plaster. Neolithic B Period c. 9000 - 6000 B.C. Moshe Stekelis Museum of Prehistory. Haifa, Israel.
Image: Hanay. {CC BY 3.0}
Fig. 2-51. Fertility goddess Figurine from Tappeh Sarāb, Kermānshāh, Iran. Modeled clay. c. 7000 - 6100 B.C. National Museum of Iran. Tehran, Iran.
Image: National Museum of Iran. {CC BY-SA 4.0}
Fig. 2-52. Marble female figure Cycladic culture. Marble. Late Neolithic c. 4500 - 4000 B.C. Metropolitan Museum of Art. New York, New York.
Image: The Metropolitan Museum of Art. {CC0 1.0}
Fig. 2-53. Thinker of Cernavodă Figurine from Cernavodă, Romania. Baked clay. Hamangia culture. c. 5000 - 4600 B.C. National Historical Museum of Bucharest. Bucharest. Romania.
Image: 三猎. {CC BY-SA 4.0}
Fig. 2-54. Seated Woman of Cernavodă Figurine from Cernavodă, Romania. Baked clay. Hamangia culture. c. 5000 - 4600 B.C. National Historical Museum of Bucharest. Bucharest. Romania.
Image: 三猎. {CC BY-SA 4.0}
Fig. 2-55. Fertility Goddess From Ҫatalhöyük. Baked clay (restored). c. 6000 - 5500 B.C. Museum of Anatolian Civilizations. Ankara, Turkey.
Image: Nevit. Nevit Dilmen. {CC BY-SA 3.0}
Fig. 2-56. Ҫatalhöyük mural Copy of reconstructed mural from Shrine VII. 14, Ҫatalhöyük, Turkey. c. 6600 B.C. Museum of Anatolian Civilizations. Ankara, Turkey. Drawing: John Swogger. Collection unknown.
Image: Kiss Tamás (Kit36a at Hungarian Wikipedia). {CC BY-SA 3.0}
Art in Africa
African Rock Art
The Bradshaw Foundation
Cave Art 101, National Geographic
The Dawn of History Episode 1 of The Western Tradition with Eugen Weber (1989)
Don's Maps
Lascaux: A Visit to the Cave